Five economical tips for healthy skin
Five Economical Tips for Healthy Skin1. Stress Less /eliminate negative self talk2. Clean less toxins in food/beauty and household products3. Healthy Gut4. Warm Water w Lemon first thing in morning cleans the liver 5. Sleep/Movement6. Skin brushing Sat Nam,AshleyCNBC, CYT
10 simple Wellness Tips
Here are some quick and easy tips to keep things a little more healthy in your life: Breathe DeepDrink lemon waterTake salt bathsEat cleanPray/MeditateMoveLive in Gratitude/ForgiveGet sunlightSpeak KindRelax/SleepSat Nam
Limey LOVE Shake
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!Go against the grain this Valentine's day. Ditch the sugary sweets, and whip up this invigoratingly green "Limey Love Shake" for your true love:LIMEY LOVE SHAKEby Shelley Redford Young2 servingsThis shake is one I created for the hot summer months but I drink it all year long because it's MY FAVORITE SHAKE!!!I wanted [...]
Positive Thoughts
We all at times struggle with keeping our thoughts positive...because we live in this fallen mortal world and life can be discouraging, we can let our thoughts get us down, its normal. We can pray, reflect on our Savior and release our negative and replace with light and positive thinking and allow the atonement power [...]
Fresh Morn Recipe
Here is a simple fresh Breakfast Idea:) Fresh Morn 1/2 C Raw Buckwheat 2 celery stalks cut into bits 1/2 Avocado 1 green apple or kiwi or banana cut into bits 1/2 Cup Berries 1 tbsp chia seeds dash of real salt dash of cinnamon dash of Coconut sugar/honey or Agave 1/2 cup almond milkMix together and enjoy!Sat Nam,Ash
Simple Water Add -Ins :)
1. In the morning first thing, a gentle cleanse for the body to reset is to squeeze a bit of lemon your water:) 2. If you find yourself dizzy or low blood pressure during the day, put a dash of some good sea salt or Real salt in your water, and it will naturally lift [...]
Just Breathe
I want to share with you a bit about our breathe. Breath gives us life. When we feel unsafe or threatened our breathing becomes shallow, rapid and usually through the mouth. If you think of a baby when a baby is in distress, the baby cries and begins to mouth breathe. As soon as we [...]
Our Body. . .Our Temple
I've been pondering on the many facets of the health of the body. Each of us came to earth to receive a body, and because we came to a fallen world, an imperfect body. A body that is a gift that houses our divine spirit. Everything that we think, Act and Do imprints on our temple. [...]

Simple Lunch
I like simplicity. Still I know that sometimes it's hard to come up with ideas of what to make for lunch each day. Here is a simple idea. Fresh salad mixed greens Other veggies cut up like bell peppers, carrot, celery, jicama. Avocado, raw seeds or nuts you prefer, or good clean protein of choice Fresh berries or green [...]
Sleep More, Weight Less?
How did you sleep last night? We all know that sleep is vitally important, but did you know that the lack of sleep can negative effects on things like pain levels, libido, mood and even weight control?Today we’re focusing on weight control and exploring how sleeping more can actually help you weigh less.The article we [...]